Thursday, 6 December 2007

Nokia 3110 Evolve - Nokia goes green

The 3110 Evolve from Nokia, featuring bio covers made from more than 50% recycled materials, is an example that the company is serious about their pledge to "go green".

Nokia has also made an eco-effort with the packing for the 3110 which features 60% recycled materials.

The 3110 Evolve comes with Nokia's most energy efficient charger to date, using 94% less energy than the Energy Star requirements for the US. The AC-8 charger minimizes the "no load" energy consumption in case you forget to unplug the charger from the power socket.

It is pleasing to see big companies like Nokia setting a positive example for helping the enviroment. It's now up to the consumer to play their part and start choosing products that make a difference for the environment such as the 3110 Evolve.

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